A Search for Stellar Obscuration Events Due to Dark Clouds

A. J. Drake, K. H. Cook
2003 Astrophysical Journal  
The recent detections of a large population of faint submillimetre sources, an excess halo gamma-ray background, and the extreme scattering events observed for extragalactic radio sources have been explained as being due to baryonic dark matter in the form of small, dark, gas clouds. In this paper we present the results of a search for the transient stellar obscurations such clouds are expected to cause. We examine the Macho project light curves of 48 x 10^6 stars toward the Galactic bulge, LMC
more » ... and SMC for the presence of dark cloud extinction events. We find no evidence for the existence of a population of dark gas clouds with Av > 0.2 and masses between ~ 10^-4 and 10^-2 M_solar in the Galactic disk or halo. However, it is possible that such dark cloud populations could exist if they are clustered in regions away from the observed lines of sight.
doi:10.1086/374640 fatcat:btczxhosh5cozjora7tetxhid4