The hidden symmetries in the PMNS matrix and the light sterile neutrino(s)

Hong-Wei Ke, Jia-Hui Zhou, Shuai Chen, Tan Liu, Xue-Qian Li
2015 Modern Physics Letters A  
The approximately symmetric form of the PMNS matrix suggests that there could exist a hidden symmetry which makes the PMNS matrix different from the CKM matrix for quarks. In literature, all the proposed fully symmetric textures exhibit an explicit μ-τ symmetry in addition to other symmetries which may be different for various textures. Observing obvious deviations of the practical PMNS matrix elements from those in the symmetric textures, there must be a mechanism to distort the symmetry. It
more » ... ght be due to existence of light sterile neutrinos. In this work, we study the case of the Tribimaximal texture and propose that its apparent symmetry disappears due to existence of a sterile neutrino. We observe that introducing just one sterile neutrino is still not sufficient to recover the data, thus a slight μ-τ symmetry breaking is also needed. By considering those factors, we obtain the PMNS matrix elements which are consistent with data within the experimental tolerance.
doi:10.1142/s0217732315501369 fatcat:5r4uafizs5d6jd2r7tjiv5uwaq