Alexandrina Ivan, Szidonia-Katalin Tanczos, Octavian Dorca, Valeriu Danciulescu, Sergiu Sava, Gheorghe Nechifor, Alexandrina Ivan, Szidonia Tanczos, O Dorca, V Danciulescu, S Sava, Ghe Nechifor
2013 Bull., Series B   unpublished
This paper presents the synthesis of a new PANI-MOL SIEVE composite material, designed for recovery or removal of cobalt ions from wastewater by ultrafiltration The membrane material was obtained by oxidative polymerization of aniline in synthetic zeolite matrix, molecular sieve 5A. The structure and morphology of the synthesized materials were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy SEM, and to determine the efficiency of cobalt removal from wastewater, ultrafiltration
more » ... s used. Dynamic membranes made from composite material have high separation efficiency both to the dynamic membranes, obtained from synthetic zeolite, as well as those based on polyaniline. New composite membrane material allows removal of cobalt ions from synthetic aqueous solutions, 10-4-10-6 M, in a single step ultrafiltration using dynamic membranes, reaching an average retention exceeding 98%, with an average flow of over 115 l/m 2 h