Influence of temperature and humidity on photofading of Crystal Violet on nylon

Tamako Toda, Mitsuhiko Hida
1987 Sen'i Gakkaishi  
The effect of temperature, humidity and oxygen on fading of Crystal Violet (CV) in nylon 6 film were studied. In the presence of moisture, the fading of CV under dark proceeded more rapidly with temperature, resulting carbinol as one of the principal reaction products. The irradiation of visible light over 500 nm accelerated the fading of CV in the film, especially at elevated temperature and in the presence of humid air. Analysis using both the least square method and the principal component
more » ... alysis method revealed the formation of leuco compound (CVH), leuco base (CVOH) and Michler's Ketone (MK), accompanied with the formation of another products, such as their demethylated compounds. The effects of temperature, relative humidity and oxygen on the formation of these products were discussed.
doi:10.2115/fiber.43.8_416 fatcat:kjgmv5gatfh4rpmwymyyskebbi