Plan4All GeoPortal

Evangelos Sakkopoulos, Tomas Mildorf, Karel Charvat, Inga Berzina, Kai-Uwe Krause
2012 Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web - WWW '12 Companion  
Plan4All project contributes on the harmonization of spatial data and related metadata in order to make them available through Web across a linked data platform. A prototype of a Web search European spatial data portal is already available at The key aim is to provide a methodology and present best practices towards the standardization of spatial data according to the INSPIRE principles and provide results that would be a reference material for linking data and data
more » ... fication from the spatial planning point of view. The results include methodology and implementation of multilingual search for data and common portrayal rules for content providers. These are critical services for sharing and understanding spatial data across Europe. Plan4All paradigm shows that a clear applicable methodology for harmonization of spatial data on all different topics of interest can be achieve efficiently. Plan4All shows that it is possible to build Pan European Web access, to link spatial data and to utilize multilingual metadata providing a roadmap for linked spatial data across and hopefully beyond Europe. The proposed demonstration based on Plan4All experience aims to show experience, best practices and methods to achieve data harmonization and provision of linked spatial data on the Web.
doi:10.1145/2187980.2188028 dblp:conf/www/SakkopoulosMCBK12 fatcat:o2rv37xpjbgwjg7woj5pxe3f2u