Spin Relaxation near the Metal-Insulator Transition: Dominance of the Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling

Guido A. Intronati, Pablo I. Tamborenea, Dietmar Weinmann, Rodolfo A. Jalabert
2012 Physical Review Letters  
We identify the Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling as the source of the dominant spin-relaxation mechanism in the impurity band of doped semiconductors. The Dresselhaus-type (i.e. allowed by bulk-inversion asymmetry) hopping terms are derived and incorporated into a tight-binding model of impurity sites, and they are shown to unexpectedly dominate the spin relaxation, leading to spin-relaxation times in good agreement with experimental values. This conclusion is drawn from two complementary
more » ... hes employed to extract the spin-relaxation time from the effective Hamiltonian: an analytical diffusive-evolution calculation and a numerical finite-size scaling.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.108.016601 pmid:22304276 fatcat:cwreln67prdftfvr2veimgwo4q