Time-Domain Green's Function-Based Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines

Domenico Spina, Francesco Ferranti, Giulio Antonini, Tom Dhaene, Luc Knockaert, Dries Vande Ginste
2012 IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology  
We present a new parametric macromodeling technique for lossy and dispersive multiconductor transmission lines. This technique can handle multiple design parameters, such as substrate or geometrical layout features, and provide timedomain sensitivity information for voltages and currents at the ports of the lines. It is derived from the dyadic Green's function of the 1-D wave propagation problem. The rational nature of the Green's function permits the generation of a timedomain macromodel for
more » ... e computation of transient voltage and current sensitivities with respect to both electrical and physical parameters, completely avoiding similarity transformation, and it is suited to generate state-space models and synthesize equivalent circuits, which can be easily embedded into conventional SPICElike solvers. Parametric macromodels that provide sensitivity information are well suited for design space exploration, design optimization, and crosstalk analysis. Two numerical examples validate the proposed approach in both frequency and timedomain.
doi:10.1109/tcpmt.2012.2186570 fatcat:56uzl36wcbdqtesitx6nqg3ho4