Conflict interactions of generations: socio-cultural balancing

N Dovgan
2019 Psychological Sciences: issues and achievements  
interactions of generations: socio-cultural balancing The article studies generational conflicts as an element of social-cultural balancing and performs institutional, positional, and cultural analyzes of this problem. The carried out methodological work allowed us to construct the technology of socio-cultural balance in two stages: (1) at the first stage we determined socio-cultural features of the generations that are necessary for the analysis of conflict interactions; (2) at the second one
more » ... e integrated the processed theoretical data into the technology of socio-cultural balancing. The obtained results emphasize that there are social factors of conflict balancing, which can be manifested or hidden, but in any case they exists really in the social-psychological space. The article formulates prerequisites for socio-cultural conflict interactions of generations that can lead to changes in the (socio-cultural) relations of the conflict actors; it shows social-cultural manifestations of social positioning of generations that have different social expectations but are in interactions (generations' aspirations). The past cultural and historical realities of generations and their present cultural dimensions are implied in cultural artefacts of generations. The principles of generational manifestations in conflict interactions are articulated; triggers of generational socio-cultural imbalances are shown. The article emphasizes that socio-cultural interactions change the imaginary picture of the world of living generations, as well as social reality.
doi:10.33120/psia.issue-13-14.2019.nd.3 fatcat:iwseynz4gzewzozoql5y2tpwoi