Reason of, barriers to, and outcomes of husbands' involvement in prenatal and intrapartum care program based on midwives' experiences: A qualitative study

F Mortazavi, Mirzaii
2012 Arak Medical University Journal (AMUJ)   unpublished
Male involvement in maternal health is one of the policies promoted by international reproductive health bodies. To better understand male involvement issues in maternal health, this study was done to explore midwives' experiences toward the promotion of male involvement in maternal health and barriers to such programs. Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study, sampling was conducted by means of focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews through a semi-constructed
more » ... re. The experiences of all midwives at health centers were surveyed through 2 group interviews and the views of 8 midwives employed in Maternity Hospital of Sabzevar, Iran, were considered as well. Content analysis was applied to data analysis. Results: Results of this study can be divided into three categories: Arguments in favor of, obstacles to, and outcomes of male involvement in maternal health. Based on midwives' experiences, the provision of couple-friendly health services would enhance the quality of care, better understanding of health information provided to pregnant women and easier acceptance of tasks like taking a sonogram. Midwives indicated some obstacles like manpower and work space deficiency and cultural barriers like husbands and midwives uneasiness while communicating and giving information. Disagreements between partners and higher likelihood of partner interventions in affairs were found to be possible negative outcomes of such programs. Conclusion: Midwives' attitudes towards male involvement in maternal health were positive and indicate that the introduction of such programs would be accepted. However, attention should be paid to midwives' concerns and cultural obstacles and they should be trained for such programs.