Fertility in Rostock in the 19th Century [report]

Siegfried Gruber, Rembrandt D. Scholz
2016 unpublished
Fertility in Rostock in the 19th Century 1 The works by A. Imhof and R. Gehrmann must be mentioned here, which are based on individual transcriptions and analyses of microdata for some regions of Germany. 2 The pilot project named "Mecklenburg in the Demographic Transition of the 18th and 19th century" provided the framework for this analysis. Historians based at Rostock have published several results of the analysis of the urban population and social history at the beginning of the 19 th century, as e.g.
doi:10.4054/mpidr-wp-2016-001 fatcat:rbq3es27tvgxrgbeuew6znvzti