
Eleanor Jones, Jason Alexander, Andreas Andreou, Pourang Irani, Sriram Subramanian
2010 Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '10  
Accelerometers are common on many devices, including those required for text-entry. We investigate how to enter text with devices that are solely enabled with accelerometers. The challenge of text-entry with such devices can be overcome by the careful investigation of the human limitations in gestural movements with accelerometers. Preliminary studies provide insight into two potential text-entry designs that purely use accelerometers for gesture recognition. In two experiments, we evaluate the
more » ... effectiveness of each of the text-entry designs. The first experiment involves novice users over a 45 minute period while the second investigates the possible performance increases over a four day period. Our results reveal that a matrix-based text-entry system with a small set of simple gestures is the most efficient (5.4wpm) and subjectively preferred by participants.
doi:10.1145/1753326.1753655 dblp:conf/chi/JonesAAIS10 fatcat:ca6vjupnjzc6vdbrb55ueyqnsy