Scientific American Building Edition
Scientific American
To Preserve Cali fornia's Big Tree... curiosity, and rari ty. They are the last remains of a a man is lying insensibly drunk on the floor, or under The Fifty·first Congress, during the closing days of gigantic creation which has now mostly disappeared the table, and a nut were put into his mouth, in fifteen its first spssion, set apart more than a million acre� and which is fast being exterminated from the face of minutes the man would rise, and one would not know surrounding the Yosemite
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... as a public pleasure the globe. The sequoia trees are rapidly dying out he had drink. He would not even have a headache. gronnd under national control. By another act of and few young or medium-sized trees are found in or Even if within four or five days he went to take spirits about the same datil a tract in California much smaller outside of the old groves. There are few trees which again, the effects of the nut would still proc . uce a in area, but covering groves of extraordinary impor-are less than ten feet in diameter. nausea in his throat and mouth. (Laughter.) Thil' tance, was made a reservation also. To this Second " At a recent visit to one of the lumber mills we found was a well-known scientific fact. As the nu ts are used park the name of Sequoia has been given by the Secre-millions upon millions of feet of lumber rotting on the medicinally, it is an important matter nol to have them tary of the Interior, for the reason that the giant trees ground. Generally only a very small part of each tree m0uldy. A kola nut, when once it becomes mouldy, there were so named by Endlicher, "in honor of a most is used for lumber, the balance is left to rot. Trees changes its character and becomes a fungus. They distinguished Indian or half-breed, the inventor of the from 30 to 40 feet in diameter have been cut for curi-are then of no use. Cherokee alphabet." osity's sake, in order that a small section might he ex-