One Avatar, Two Level of Detail, One Result? - Analyzing the Effect of Low and High Detailed Avatars on Fitting Simulations

Christian PIRCH, Oliver KAUSCH, Anke KLEPSER, Simone MORLOCK
2021 Proceedings of 3DBODY.TECH 2021 - 12th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 19-20 October 2021   unpublished
3D garment simulation is in the market for many years. In the beginning, most users found it hard to transfer their traditional analogue processes into the digital world [1] . Yet, the technical enhancements of the simulation software fastened the readiness of the companies to implement systems in their product development cycle. Through the use of 3D garment simulation systems, resources can be saved and development times shortened [2] [3] [4] . In addition, garment simulation can already be
more » ... ed to check the fit in a digital environment. By being able to check design and fit early in the process, more time can be invested in their development. A complete simulation is important for a quality fit. In addition to the pattern, this also includes the material parameters and a digital fitting tape. For reliable fitting tests an avatar has to fulfil various requirements. This also includes the level of detail (LOD) of the avatar to perform valid quality assessments. It is assumed that the LOD has a major impact on fitting results [4] Yet, creating high level avatars require time and comprehensive knowledge of 3D workflows.
doi:10.15221/21.46 fatcat:hqavussezrbfjemyvtieoktbzy