Modelling of the Off-gas Exit Temperature and Slag Foam Depth of an Electric Arc Furnace

Daniël Jacobus Oosthuizen, Johannes Henning Viljoen, Ian Keith Craig, Petrus Christiaan Pistorius
2001 ISIJ International  
Fig. 2. Calculated variations in slag foam depth with time. The foam depth is most sensitive to the FeO content of the slag, which reaches a maximum at tϭ44 min (at which point oxygen blowing ceases). Smaller changes (in slag FeO content and hence in foam depth) are due to changes in the DRI feed rate (since the DRI adds FeO to the slag); the DRI feed rate was lowered at tϭ46 min, increased at tϭ58 min, and turned off at tϭ60 min.
doi:10.2355/isijinternational.41.399 fatcat:fjge63c5abbwhjxyeqtcen3kmy