Shraddha T. Nemane, Vishweshwar M Dharashive, Suraj G Malpani, Nilesh N Shinde, Ayaj S Pathan
2020 Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research  
The GC i.e Green chemistry revolution is the revolution that delivers a huge number of complications and challenges to those that are practicing chemistry in industries also in education and research. The start of green chemistry is taken into account as a response to the necessity to scale back the damage of environment by man – made materials and therefore the process wont to produce them. Green chemistry could include anything from reducing waste to even removing waste in correct manner. All
more » ... chemical waste should be disposed of within the absolute best manner without causing any damage to the environment and to the living beings. Green chemistry which is that the latest and one among the foremost researched topics now days has been in demand since 1990's. Majority of research in green chemistry aims to scale back the energy consumption required for the assembly of desired product whether it's going to be any drug, dyes and other chemical compounds. It aims to scale back or maybe eliminates the assembly of any harmful bi-products and maximizing the specified product without compromising with the environment. Keywords: Enormous problems, disposing of waste, energy, Eliminates etc.
doi:10.32553/jbpr.v9i2.736 fatcat:bukj3yghirdmvabatkc2rub2au