Implementing Leach Protocol for Network Life Time Enhancement through an Energy Efficient Approach

Amit Kumar, Jaiswal, Ravi Asthana
2017 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)   unpublished
A key concern in Wireless Sensory Network technology is to increase the network lifetime and to reduce the energy consumption of the sensor network. Wireless sensor nodes are dispersed typically in sensing area to monitor earthquake, battle field, industrial environment, and habitant monitoring agriculture field, physical atmosphere conditions and smart homes. Sensor nodes sense the environment, gather information and transmit to BS through wireless link. The objective of the work, we advise
more » ... eway based energy-efficient routing protocol (MGEAR) for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We divide the sensor nodes into four logical regions on the basis of their location in the sensing field. We install Base Station (BS) out of the sensing area and a gateway node at the center of the sensing area. If the distance of a sensor node from BS or gateway is less than predefined distance threshold, the node uses direct communication. We divide the rest of nodes into two equal regions whose distance is beyond the threshold distance. We select cluster heads (CHs) in each region which are independent of the other region. These CHs are selected on the basis of a probability. We compare performance of our protocol with LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy). Performance analysis and compared statistic results show that our proposed protocol perform well in terms of energy consumption and network lifetime.