An overview of pleiotropic effect of statins in cardiovascular disease

Rajiv Gupta, Shivani Sharma, Rajdeep Kaur, Kumud Upadhyaya
2018 Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal  
HMG CoA-reductase (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase) inhibitors, also called statins, are at present exerting an effect on the therapeutic treatment decision for hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia is a known risk factor for cardiovascular malady, and statin treatment has prompted a significant decline in grimness and mortality from undesirable cardiovascular events, stroke, and fringe blood vessel malady. Notwithstanding accomplishing a remedial diminishing in serum
more » ... terol levels, statin treatment appears to advance different impacts that are autonomous of changes in serum cholesterol. These "pleiotropic" impacts incorporate constriction of vascular aggravation, enhanced endothelial cell work, adjustment of atherosclerotic plaque, diminished vascular smooth muscle cell relocation and expansion, and restraint of platelet total. This review an attempt to compile published reports on the pleiotropic impacts of statins at the cellular level.
doi:10.15406/ppij.2018.06.00214 fatcat:uabglg55wrc3lkvwgks4kkytma