Retrieval on the Grid : results from the European Project GRACE (Grid Search and Categorization Engine) [article]

Frank Scholze, Werner Stephan, Universität Stuttgart, Universität Stuttgart
GRACE - Grid Search and Categorization Engine ( has been an EU project in the 5th framework program. GRACE has been an attempt to apply an innovative Grid-based solution that will meet the challenges of searching a global heterogeneous collection of documents. The goal of the project has been the building of a distributed search and categorization engine that will run on Grid-middleware (Large Hadron Collider Computer Group (LCG-2) and European DataGrid (EDG)). This
more » ... r presents briefly the Grid technology and the linguistic tools used and then focuses on the project results.
doi:10.18419/opus-6076 fatcat:k7hzh32eznccpeouu4a7jwsjny