Comparison of physical activity and favourite ways of spending free time in preschool girls and boys from the Mazowsze region
Porównanie aktywności fizycznej oraz ulubionych form spedzania czasu wolnego dziewczynek i chłopców w wieku przedszkolnym z województwa mazowieckiego

Sylwia Merkiel, Wojciech Chalcarz, Monika Deptuła
2011 Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny  
The aim of this study was to compare physical activity of preschool girls and boys from the Mazowsze region and their favourite ways of spending free time. The studied population included 131 children aged 3 to 7 years. Parents filled in questionnaires about their children's physical activity and favourite ways of spending free time, as well as about general information on the children and their families. Gender had statistically significant influence on the children's birth weight, attending
more » ... rate outside the preschool and on riding a bicycle, playing with a ball and playing with a dog as favourite ways of spending free time during sunny weather as well as playing on a computer and playing with dolls as favourite ways of spending free time during rainy weather. Gender had little influence on the studied preschoolers' physical activity. However favourite ways of spending free time turned out to be significantly different according to gender. Physical activity level in both girls and boys was low, similarly to their peers from the previous studies.
pmid:21735986 fatcat:pmv5yleyrnekdm5buyfncbpra4