Self-Assembly of ZnO Nanoplatelets into Hierarchical Mesocrystals and Their Photocatalytic Property

Yongqiang Yang, Qinsheng Wang, Zheng Liu, Ling Jin, Bingxian Ou, Pengju Han, Qun Wang, Xiaobao Cheng, Wenjun Liu, Yu Wen, Yuan Liu, Weifang Zhao
2018 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
In this work, a simple chemical procedure was developed for the preparation of mesocrystals consisiting of ZnO nanoplateletes. By simple mixing the aqueous solutions Zn(NO3)2, NaOH and ethanol at certain temperatures, the hierarchical mesocrystals with big at both ends but small in the middle were obtained. After being annealed in air at certain temperatures, the same structured ZnO mesocrystals were generated. The morphology, crystalline structure and chemical composition were characterized
more » ... ng SEM, XRD FT-IR and Raman. The photocatalytic properties of the ZnO mesocrystals were also investigated. It was illustrated that the ZnO mesocrystals show decent photocatalytic performance to the photodegradation of methyl blue.
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/317/1/012076 fatcat:zg64n3rownht3c6p6wgrnfdpgi