Universal Current-Mode Biquad Filter Using a VDTA

Dinesh Prasad, Data Ram Bhaskar, Mayank Srivastava
2013 Circuits and Systems  
This paper presents a new current-mode single input multi output (SIMO) type biquad employing one voltage differencing transconductance amplifier (VDTA), two grounded capacitors and a single grounded resistor. The configuration realizes all basic filter functions (i.e. Low Pass (LP), High Pass (HP), Band Pass (BP), Notch (BR) and All Pass (AP)). The natural frequency (ω 0 ) and bandwidth (BW) are independently tunable. The workability of proposed configuration has been verified using SPICE simulation with TSMC CMOS 0.18 μm process parameters.
doi:10.4236/cs.2013.41006 fatcat:blevbsxlrvbvjhev6felbt7ug4