Cover-gas seals. Cover-gas-seal components. Progress report, January-March 1977 [report]

O.P. III Steele, P. Horton, T. Shimazaki
1977 unpublished
I. PROJECT OBJECTIVES DOE/SF/71011-TS DE82 011135 The objectives of the Cover Gas Seal Components Test Program are to develop and demonstrate the performance of commercial and custom-designed head region cavity seals for LMFBR reactors, to develop and evaluate advanced seal concepts capable of achieving improvement in radioactive gas containment and seal temperature-life capabilities, and to establish operational safety margins for head region seals for nominal and extraordinary LMFBR plant
more » ... itions. Current activities include testing the CRBRP sodium dip seal configuration to determine its performance characteristics, proving techniques to increase the radial compliance and decrease the rotational drag of the CRBRP rotating plug seal design, and developing the technology to improve static inflatable seal designs.
doi:10.2172/5590861 fatcat:w7f43wtztveffbcsrl4hqfjms4