The Relevance of Studying Soil Biocorrosive Activity in Establishing an Integrated Action Criterion Combined Effect of Corrosion Factors

M.G. Chesnokova, V.V. Shalaj, A.S. Kriega
2016 Procedia Engineering  
Biocorrosion activity of soils was defined in an oil pipeline laying zone of Krasnodar region. Complex criterion of various corrosion factors total effect was studied by physical, chemical and microbiological indexes complex determining. Study of pipeline soil biocorrosion activity nature allowed to distinguish four sample groups in correlation with soil biocorrosion activity criterion value: potentially aggressive, low aggressive, moderately aggressive, aggressive. The differences between
more » ... ted indexes are statistically significant. It shows higher rate of pipeline soil biocorrosion activity criterion then the similar one of soil check sample.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.610 fatcat:wgb6bibxrnhoviuqmye2ekqio4