Influence of Vortical Interactions on Thunniform Fish Motions

Kislaya Srivastava, Karthikeyan Duraisamy
2016 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference   unpublished
Fish-like body motions are modeled and the impact of vortices generated by the motion is analyzed. Specifically, numerical investigations of self-propelled swims of thunniform fish are performed in a low Reynolds number, viscous and nearly-incompressible regime of flow. By computing the flow around a deforming fish-like body, the formation and accumulation of large vortex structures at the anterior and their effect on the overall motion is investigated in detail. Large vortical structures which
more » ... detach from the anterior and travel downstream are found to affect the self-propulsive motion of the fish either constructively or destructively. The interaction of these vortical structures with the fishbody and tail wake is studied in detail. The deformations of the spine and swim modes are improved in efforts to minimize/eliminate anterior vortex accumulation with the goal of providing stable swims for motions with high tail-tip amplitudes.
doi:10.2514/6.2016-3254 fatcat:4ckvcnf6mbhlloxvno3hkj3fne