Consolidated Reprocessing Progam. Quarterly progress report ending February 28, 1979 [report]

1979 unpublished
This publication continues the quarterly series presenting results of work performed under the Consolidated Reprocessing Program at General Atomic Company. Results of work on this program prior to June 1974 were included in a quarterly series on the HTGR Base Program. The work reported includes the development of unit processes and equipment for reprocessing of High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) fuel, the design and development of an integrated pilot line to demonstrate the head end of
more » ... TGR reprocessing using unirradiated fuel materials, and design work in support of Hot Engineering Tests (HET). Work is also described on trade-off studies concerning the required design of facilities and equipment for the large-scale recycle of HTGR fuels in order to guide the development activities for HTGR fuel recycle. iii !|| IP-M "^ 5-^
doi:10.2172/6222316 fatcat:3ps2ggj7djdmre6aoo6u56iwfa