A High Performance Biometric System Based on Image Morphological Analysis

Marco Augusto, Alejandro Luis, Silvia M.
2014 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
At present, many of the algorithms used and proposed for digital imaging biometric systems are based on mathematical complex models, and this fact is directly related to the performance of any computer implementation of these algorithms. On the other hand, as they are conceived for general purpose digital imaging, these algorithms do not take advantage of any common morphological features from its given domains. In this paper we developed a novel algorithm for the segmentation of the pupil and
more » ... ris in human eye images, whose improvement's hope lies in the use of morphological features of the images of the human eye. Based on the basic structure of a standard biometric system we developed and implemented an innovation for each phase of the system, avoiding the use of mathematical complex models and exploiting some common features in any digital image of the human eye from the dataset that we used. Finally, we compared the testing results against other known state of the art works developed over the same dataset.
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2014.050914 fatcat:n2iwmqdn3jh4pjnx46oblaqjpi