A research on the vulnerability in popular P2P protocols

Jiayin Tong, Gang Xiong, Yong Zhao, Li Guo
2013 2013 8th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM)  
P2P-structure networks attract lots of users due to the large capacity and good performance. However, vulnerabilities in the protocols may be exploited maliciously by attackers to launch network attacks. In this paper, we first give an overview of several popular P2P networks with protocol vulnerabilities that can be used to launch attacks. Then we illustrate how to carry out network attacks through exploiting vulnerability in Thunder, the most popular downloading software in China. The
more » ... ntal results show that the amount of attack data can be amplified by about 5 and the number of attack packets up to 12. In order to mitigate the effect of such attacks, we discuss some solutions that should be considered to enhance these protocols at last.
doi:10.1109/chinacom.2013.6694630 fatcat:r7rqeoikfjhhbmomk4g4jurem4