Digital Technology Adoption and Sustainable Development Performance of Strategic Emerging Industries

Xing Li, Ting Wu, Hongjuan Zhang, Deyan Yang
2022 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing  
Although digital technology adoption has received more attention from researchers in the field of innovation management research, the micro mechanism of the impact of digital technology adoption on the sustainable development of enterprises has not been fully investigated. The objective of this study is to identify the existing relationships between digital technology adoption, digital technology capability, digital strategy, and sustainable development performance of strategic emerging
more » ... es. A theoretical conceptual model was developed that analyzed the primary data from 385 sample enterprises in strategic emerging industries. The results indicated that digital technology adoption had a positive influence on both enterprises' economic performance and environmental performance in strategic emerging industries. Digital technology capability played a mediating role in the relationship between digital technology adoption and enterprises' economic performance and environmental performance. And digital strategy strengthened the influence of digital technology adoption on enterprises.
doi:10.4018/joeuc.315645 fatcat:4pumytplzjbzbffwozftvcq7c4