Web-Based Kanji Characters Learning: Undergraduate Students' Conception

Linna Meilia Rasiban
2021 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020–Social, Humanity, and Education (ICoSIHESS 2020)   unpublished
The use of web-applications in online learning has rapidly developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. In higher education, these internet-based educational technologies have been believed to play a significant role as an agent for quality learning improvement. This study reports on undergraduates' conception of the use of web-based applications on learning Kanji characters. It seeks to identify Mrs. Kanji's application effects on students' capability to retain both the visual forms of the Kanji
more » ... racters and their meaning. Considering the pandemic situation, data was collected by administering a set of online questionnaires to 186 undergraduate students who learn Japanese in six universities located in different geographical areas in Indonesia. The quantitative analyses showed that the students had firm beliefs that the application had helped them retain the forms and meanings of the kanji characters. This study suggests the significance of utilizing the application to improve students' reading performance.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.210120.151 fatcat:ebvamhin3ffatcos2e7yqkbn3i