A Time-Stepping Scheme for Quasistatic Multibody Systems

J. C. Trinkle, Stephen Berard, J. S. Pang
2005 Volume 6: 5th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, Parts A, B, and C   unpublished
Two new instantaneous-time models for predicting the motion and contact forces of three-dimensional, quasistatic multi-rigid-body systems are developed; one linear and one nonlinear. The nonlinear characteristic is the result of retaining the usual quadratic friction cone in the model. Discrete-time versions of these models provide the first time-stepping methods for such systems. As a first step to understanding their usefulness in simulation and manipulation planning, a theorem for solution
more » ... iqueness is presented along with simulation results for a simple example.
doi:10.1115/detc2005-85266 fatcat:3xkvowczzjb7vbpyh5t5jvdjga