Social disclosures in Russian corporate reporting: successes, failures, directions of development

Olga Efimova, Olga Rozhnova, M. Tsoy
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The article examines issues relating to disclosures of social aspects in companies' reports. The conducted study has analyzed financial and corporate reports (integrated, on social responsibility, on sustainable development) of leading Russian metallurgical companies, which consider social impacts as the most significant. The practical part of the research is based on analysis of 42 financial and 37 non-financial reports (including 23 SDR, 12 IR and 2 CSR) of Russian metallurgical companies
more » ... 2017-2019 period. In addition, we analyzed the interim financial statements of these companies for 2020. The study of social disclosures was structured into two types of reporting - financial and non-financial. Based on conducted statistical and qualitative analyses, the study offers recommendations on improving logical alignment and quality of disclosures on the social-related aspects. Suggested recommendations aim on increasing validity of investment decisions and making financial market more transparent.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202129606019 fatcat:w4wjptnzgvawjnh5ksv3hssldq