Low mortality from COVID-19 at a nursing facility in France following a combined preventive and active treatment protocol

Alexandre Worcel, Bougacha M. Ali, Sonia Ramos-Pascual, Patrick Stirling, François G. Chary
2021 Annals of Palliative Medicine  
The aim of this study was to retrospectively describe the evolution of symptoms, infections, and mortality at a nursing facility in France that had implemented a protocol for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. A database was created on 21 March 2020 to store all information related to residents, including co-morbidities, as well as COVID-19 symptoms, incidence, and mortality. Residents followed a COVID-19 protocol, consisting of preventive (administering vitamins and zinc, social
more » ... ng, and temperature checks) and active (antibiotics, anticoagulants, and corticosteroids) measures. RT-PCR and serology testing were performed on residents. A new coefficient, named the Zemgor coefficient, was calculated as the haemoglobin-to-albumin ratio at 2 time points 15 days apart, to monitor hypoxemia. In January 2020, the nursing facility housed 192 residents, 75 men and 117 women, aged 80±11. One or more co-morbidities were present in 94% of residents, with the most common being dementia. The COVID-19 protocol provided 61% of residents with anticoagulants, 51%with antibiotics, 21% with oxygen therapy, and 3% with corticosteroids. The COVID-19 incidence was 51% based on presence of COVID-19 symptoms, 35% based on positive RT-PCR (amongst residents tested for RT-PCR) and 41% based on positive serology (amongst residents tested for serology), and the COVID-19 mortality rate was 8%. The Zemgor coefficient was 0.049±0.053 for patients with hypoxemia compared to 0.011±0.041 for patients without hypoxemia (P=0.001). The protocol for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 implemented at this nursing facility resulted in a COVID-19 incidence and mortality at the lower end of that reported by other nursing facilities.
doi:10.21037/apm-21-1707 pmid:34670388 fatcat:bgcr2cqkdfbrpgowwcrrlgrkcy