V Gruzhevsky
Annotation. An analysis of the publications, which demonstrates the importance of the emotional state in the formation of motivation as a psychological phenomenon. Shows the impact of physical education on the state of mental and emotional stress. Presented scientific analysis of psycho-emotional states in the 3rd year students with the region of residence and ethnicity. The study used survey results found that the circumstances are displayed on the psycho-emotional state of students. In their
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... iew, were: irritability, lack of confidence, fatigue, concern, guilt, etc. These conditions are more common in women of ethnic groups and from rural areas. It should be noted that the girls are very carefully described their emotional state and chose the answer in the questionnaire (sometimes), this response was dominant. Young men in many positions were more restrained. It is established that the formation of student-centered motivation of students to physical education should be adjusted in their emotional state. In this strategy the learning process of physical education is built on individual, ethnic differences. Introduction 1 The problem of formation of personality-oriented students' motivation for physical education has been actualized in connection with pedagogical and psychological factors, main characteristics of which are high psychic and physical tension of educational process, which, in their turn, require good health. In this connection, in dynamics of students' teaching at higher educational establishments physical education becomes a basic foundation, including integrating chain of personal motion culture, keeping peculiarities of formation of every student's psycho-emotional and physical potential as an integrity. So, main accent in formation of students' personality-oriented motivation is directed to formation of holistic person, harmonization of his (her) mental-physical potential, development of individuality, originality and independence [15] . Most of psychic and physical properties at physical trainings are formed with the help of influencing on certain mechanisms, which ensure these properties by specific means of physical education. For example, scientists [17, 18] proving importance of physical activity, point that there are three main components of personality's structure: psychic functional mechanisms, personality's experience and features, which successfully develop in the process of individual's mastering physical culture. Human psycho-emotional features are closely connected with social-pedagogic, ethical-volitional qualities, which characterize commitment of personality's mentality, his (her) ability to overcome obstacles when achieving target, resistance to failures on his (her) life way. Stability of personality's mind, his (her) balance, can be judged by the fact to what extent circumstances influence on mood and to what extent young people can control their feelings and behavior [24] . Physical culture activity facilitates mobilization of functional, psychological and physical organism's abilities, indirectly influencing on creation of the so-called "reserve" for responding environmental "contingencies", requiring urgent mobilization of human functional forces [1]. It has been established that stressing character of social-economical factors, ecological conditions, life conditions in modern society facilitate reduction of psychic and physical health of youth. In this connection, searching of adequate ways and methods of students' health and psycho-physical state strengthening become of special importance as well as development of health related technologies, which could ensure formation of steady personality's belief in necessity of physical culture, health related activity [16] . For improvement of students' psycho-emotional state it has been suggested to solve the tasks of methodological character, which would include tests for determination of psycho-dynamic organism's characteristics, development of integral means of estimation of psycho-physiological readiness for professional activity as well as development of technologies of operative and perspective controlling of physical conditions with the help of different kinds of sports and means of specialized physical training. In this connection there appears a problem of quantitative evaluation of psycho-emotional readiness, connected with demand in evaluation of different training programs' and kinds of sports' influence on students' state [2] . Psycho-emotional state is negatively influenced by: wrong organization of academic process, scope of physical loads, insufficient sleeping, irregular eating, insufficient being in the open air, excessive independent training -this negative chain results in significant worsening of students' health in the process of their study at HEE. Methodic of selection of how to release psycho-emotional tension are the following: first of all solution of problem, which caused that tension and secondly -physical loads. Embedding of optimal stereotype of psychoemotional tensions' release with the help of physical exercises shall be carried out in school age, but actually it does not happen. In students' age this stereotype shall only be supported, but not used for the first time. For health preservation school and higher educational establishment shall teach youth the means of releasing of psycho-emotional tension [19] .