Recruitment, Certification And Financial Management Of Political Party In The Province Of North Sumatera, Indonesia

Muryanto Amin, Dr. Warjio, Heri Kusmanto
2018 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2017)   unpublished
The management of political parties in relatively new countries implement procedural democracy is done transactionally. Not following documented recruitment and regeneration models and weak transparency of financial management of political parties. As a result government management becomes inefficient, tend to corrupt, and poor public services. The purpose of this study is to explain the relation between the management of undemocratic political parties and good governance. Taking the case in
more » ... th Sumatra, one of the provinces in Indonesia, which has a high level of corruption.The research method chosen is qualitative through FocusGroupDiscussion (FGD) and indepth interview with political party elite, academic, government element and representative of observer society of political party in North Sumatera. The results showed that recruitment by political parties to become political officials was done transactionally. The majority of political parties do not have structured and systematic regulatory documents, as well as financial management that are largely not from party contributions, but non-binding contributions from cadres who have become political officials. Funding for the activities of political parties is highly dependent on political party contributions derived from government budgets outside the rules. This has resulted in weak governance in North Sumatra, as evidenced by high levels of corruption and relatively slow pace of development.
doi:10.2991/icosop-17.2018.97 fatcat:hfqdi6rf7rfdjlvsse6xl2p7ji