The effect of space allowance on resting behaviour in eighteen months of age heifers

Stelian Acatincăi, Iulian Tripon, Ludovic Toma Cziszter, George Gabriel Răducan, Simona Baul, Silvia Elena Erina
2013 Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies  
The aim of this paper was to measure the main aspects that characterize the resting behavior of eighteen months old heifers using two different resting space allowances. During the experiments the following resting behaviour aspects were determined: number of resting periods, the length of one resting period and the total length of resting periods. Results showed that when a resting space of 4.5 m2 per heifer was used the total length of laying down periods was 262.8 minutes in the morning,
more » ... 5 minutes in the afternoon and 450.5 minutes during the night. When the size of the resting space was increased to 5.0 m2 per heifer, the total length of resting periods decreased to 137.2 minutes during the morning, 142.7 minutes in the afternoon and 396.8 minutes in the night. There were significant differences (p<0.05) between the two resting spaces for the total length of resting periods during the morning, afternoon and for 24 hours.
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