A Fuzzy-Based Call Admission Control Scheme for Wireless Cellular Networks Considering Priority of On-going Connections

Gjergji Mino, Leonard Barolli, Arjan Durresi, Fatos Xhafa, Akio Koyama
2009 2009 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops  
The mobile cellular systems are expected to support multiple services with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS). But, the ability of wireless systems to accommodate expected growth of traffic load and broadband services is limited by available radio frequency spectrum. Call Admission Control (CAC) is one of the resource management functions, which regulates network access to ensure QoS provisioning. However, the decision for CAC is very challenging issue due to user mobility, limited radio
more » ... um, and multimedia traffic characteristics. In our previous work, we proposed a fuzzy-based CAC system and compared the performance of the proposed system with Shadow Cluster Concept (SCC). In this work, we extend our work by considering the priority of the on-going connections. We evaluate by simulations the performance of the proposed system and compare its performance with our previous work. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed system has a good behavior in keeping the QoS of on-going connections.
doi:10.1109/icdcsw.2009.45 dblp:conf/icdcsw/MinoBDXK09 fatcat:ydgb77pf2fdolboco6ldlfa4se