Evaluation the Effects of Zingiber officinale L. as a feed Additive on Growth and Some Serum Biochemical Profiles of Cyprinus carpio L

2020 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology  
The research was performed to examine the efficacy of Zingiber officinale L. as feed additives on growth performance and biochemical parameters in common carp Cyprinus carpio L. Used (80) fish and divided into 4 groups 10 fish per aquaria, two replicates were maintained for each treatment. Ginger powder mixed directly with basal diet of fish. It was incorporated in the four diets treatments. The control group diet had no ginger additive (C), while the three supplemented diets contained ginger
more » ... 1% (T1), 1.5 (T2) and 2 % (T3). After 35 days' growth was calculated as weight gain, daily weight gain, relative growth ratio, feed conversion ratio, feed efficiency percent and protein efficiency ratio with evaluate total proteins, albumin, globulin, cholesterol and triglycerides. The results of present study were weight gain of T2 and T3 groups showed significant difference comparison with the C. Daily weight gain showed significant difference between C, T2 and T3. Relative growth rate there were no significant difference between C and T1 but there was significant difference between T2 and T3. Feed conversion ratio showed no significant difference between control group and T1. Feed efficiency ratio there were no significant difference between T1, T2 and C. Protein efficiency ratio results showed that decrease in T3 and T2 compared to the C. The results of total protein, albumin, and triglycerides did not show any significant difference between treatments compared with the C. Globulin showed increase in T3 compare to C. While the cholesterol showed significant difference in T3 compare with C, T1 and T2. The results of present study propose that ginger feed additives at the concentration 2% for 35 days can be improvement growth and some serum biochemical parameters.
doi:10.37506/ijfmt.v14i2.3065 fatcat:fg62qdpxjjfkbewmpwvxfgjiie