Cost-effectiveness of zoledronic acid and strontium-89 as bone protecting treatments in addition to chemotherapy in patients with metastatic castrate-refractory prostate cancer: results from the TRAPEZE trial (ISRCTN 12808747)

Lazaros Andronis, Ilias Goranitis, Sarah Pirrie, Ann Pope, Darren Barton, Stuart Collins, Adam Daunton, Duncan McLaren, Joe M. O'Sullivan, Chris Parker, Emilio Porfiri, John Staffurth (+10 others)
2016 BJU International  
Conclusions The addition of bone-targeting treatments to standard chemotherapy led to a small improvement in QALYs for a modest increase in cost (or cost-savings). ZA and Sr89 resulted in ICERs below conventional willingness-to-pay per QALY thresholds, suggesting that their addition to chemotherapy may represent a cost-effective use of resources. Keywords castrate-refractory prostate cancer, cost-effectiveness analysis, quality of life, bone protecting treatments, zoledronic acid, Sr89
doi:10.1111/bju.13549 pmid:27256016 fatcat:p6nncl2fuvh5fntoxcft5ambny