On a Two-DoF Parallel and Orthogonal Variable-Stiffness Actuator: An Innovative Kinematic Architecture

Matteo Malosio, Francesco Corbetta, Francisco Ramìrez Reyes, Hermes Giberti, Giovanni Legnani, Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti
2019 Robotics  
Variable-Stiffness Actuators are continuously increasing in importance due to their characteristics that can be beneficial in various applications. It is undisputed that several one-degree-of-freedom (DoF) solutions have been developed thus far. The aim of this work is to introduce an original two-DoF planar variable-stiffness mechanism, characterized by an orthogonal arrangement of the actuation units to favor the isotropy. This device combines the concepts forming the basis of a one-DoF
more » ... t-antagonist variable-stiffness mechanism and the rigid planar parallel and orthogonal kinematic one. In this paper, the kinematics and the operation principles are set out in detail, together with the analysis of the mechanism stiffness.
doi:10.3390/robotics8020039 fatcat:auq3ufumzffxnky273hrhs6l6q