Comparison between The ultra-wide band gap semiconductor AlGaN and GaN

Jiajie He
2020 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
The emergence of the ultra-wide band gap semiconductor, whose band gaps considerably wider than 3.4 eV (GaN), opens a new era in many fields because of their many superior property. The major material of the UWBG semiconductor is high Al-content AlGaN and the studies find these material have stunning strengths in ultra-high power and ratiofrequency electronics, deep-ultraviolet optoelectronics, quantum information and electronics for extreme-environment applications. In this article, by
more » ... g GaN and ultra-wide band gap AlGaN, people can know the strengths of AlGaN, lacks of GaN and realize why AlGaN will replace GaN in some applications and why GaN will continually be used by people in some applications.
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/738/1/012009 fatcat:zillyxgnlbdmnjoulrjuztgkkm