Modelling and Verification of IEC 61499 Applications using Prolog

Victor Dubinin, Valeriy Vyatkin, Hans-Michael Hanisch
2006 2006 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation  
This paper presents a new approach to modelling and verification of function block applications of the IEC 61499 standard. The approach uses the language of logic programming Prolog to represent a model of function block network and to verify its properties. The class of properties that can be checked is extended to more substantial queries providing in return not only "yes" or "no", but also the parameters explaining the reasons. The models essentially use the topological properties of the
more » ... tion block network and allow data of arbitrary types (not only Boolean) be used in the queries.
doi:10.1109/etfa.2006.355449 dblp:conf/etfa/DubininVH06 fatcat:gwz3b7qecrcrtnfzp4ws2zgrwm