Herpes Simplex Virus Type I Induces an Incomplete Autophagic Response in Human Neuroblastoma Cells

Soraya Santana, Maria Jesús Bullido, Maria Recuero, Fernando Valdivieso, Jesus Aldudo
2012 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease  
Supplementary Figure 1. Heparin and PAA efficiently inhibit viral DNA replication. Quantification of viral DNA by real-time quantitative PCR for HSV-1-infected SK-N-MC cells at a moi of 1 or 10 pfu/cell for 18 h. The data shown represent the mean ± SD for triplicate samples from one of three independent experiments.
doi:10.3233/jad-2012-112000 pmid:22475795 fatcat:jt2aecassjfv7nhlb6puuhp5aa