Odrobina krytycznego dystansu. Historia środowiska na temat debaty o antropocenie

Ewa Bińczyk
2017 Avant: Journal of Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard  
This book is in many aspect a unique publication, clearly worth noticing. It is an element of a decade-long intense debate on the Anthropocene in which the participants are the representatives of both natural sciences and humanities. The discussion has extremely interesting philosophical overtone as it uncovers multiple paradoxes. Primarily, the events which lead the scholars to calling this new geological period Anthropocene are a testimony both to human power and hyper-agency and to
more » ... sional helplessness and powerlessness. This is excellently highlighted by the reviewed monograph.
doi:10.26913/80302017.0112.0011 fatcat:iygdny47gne6thgqw23jmthegy