Модифицированная теория связанных волн и численный метод для анализа брэгговских зеркал с произвольным профилем показателя преломления

Р.А. Мастеров, С.Ю. Карпов
2021 Журнал технической физики  
An analytical and effective numerical approach to the analysis of the optical characteristics of Bragg mirrors with an arbitrary refractive index profile is developed. Analytical expressions obtained using the modified theory of coupled waves for the coefficients of reflection / transmission of light from / through the BM with high accuracy predict its main characteristics at both low and high contrast of the refractive index. The hybrid numerical method includes the numerical calculation of
more » ... transfer matrix for one period of the knowledge base and its analytical multiplication for an arbitrary number of periods. The developed methods are applied to the analysis of the properties of practically important BMs made on the basis of sprayed pairs of Ta2O5 / SiO2 dielectrics, Group III nitrides and arsenides. The characteristics of the knowledge base with smooth (gradient) interfaces are considered in detail.
doi:10.21883/jtf.2021.12.51766.209-21 fatcat:5e3bm33nkfgzrgwme4h72tk4j4