Fatigue measurement system designed for a chalcogenide-based device using a homemade heater tip

H. J. Kim, S. K. Choi, S. H. Kang, K. H. Oh
2008 Review of Scientific Instruments  
A fatigue measurement system is designed using a homemade tungsten ͑W͒ heater tip. This system is composed of a pulse generator and an atomic force microscope with the W heater tip attached. Also included are a parameter analyzer and control devices. The entire measurement process is controlled by a designed program without communication errors. Additionally, a process to fabricate the sharp W heater tip that applies an electrical pulse and evaluates the electrical properties is introduced. The
more » ... analysis of the tip, carried out by scanning electron microscopy and electron backscattering diffraction, shows that the tip has great thermomechanical stability. Using this fatigue measurement system, the resistance of the Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 ͑GST͒ cell was successfully measured as a function of the number of set/reset cycles. The specific area ͑both program area and failure area͒ was easily observed. It is expected that the expansion of GST is a source of information regarding the fatigue of a GST cell.
doi:10.1063/1.3010380 pmid:19045907 fatcat:tui7p6od2bdblisinfmfpudhxy