Teleterrestrial: The Universe of Technological and Natural Scenes

Nat Rainer
In the Universe of Technical and Natural scenes, is Telerrarin. Telerrain is composed from my point of view as an artist. This terrain of combined forms is seen in three scenes that assemble technology, humanity, and the natural world. Each scene is set in different landscapes: the desert, the countryside, and the ocean. As an artist, I see these settings with the vision of a director that drives the atmosphere, life forms, and cyclical verves that make these landscapes real. As a writer, my
more » ... ce describes how technology, humanity, and the natural world fit together, and then asserts the kinds of adaptations this composite needs to survive. In these scenes, the combined forms of technology, humanity, and the natural world dissipate, evaporate, condense, and emerge to form the most extraordinary strategies to survive. Rainer 4 "Telerrain" Natalie Rainer 2017
doi:10.7936/k7r78cp1 fatcat:5liufwrul5ft5pis4y33x3ysj4