副心臓支の 3 例 : 本邦 33 症例の文献的考察
Accessory Cardiac Bronchus : A Report of Three Cases and a Review of 33 Cases in Japan

Takayoshi Tashiro, Jun Goto, Hitoshi Yamasaki, Yoshinobu Kuroda, Yoichiro Goto, Mitsunobu Akashi, Masaru Nasu, Takashi Itoga, Hiroshi Nagato
1985 The Journal of the Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy  
The accessory cardiac bronchus isthe singlqtrue supernumerary bronchusarising from the medial wall of the truncus intermedlus bronchus . ln this study we presented three cases with accessory cardlac bronchi that were discovered during systemic bronchoscopies performed for other diseases . The incidence of this abnormal bronchus was O. 42 % of allcases undergoing fiberoptic bronchoscopy in our department . Bronchial mucosa 目n 刊ammation was observed in three cases qnd mucosal bieedlng mone .
more » ... an , 33 such cases have been reported including ourcases . They are consisted of 15males and 18females , and the age range was from 21 to 74 years . ln 14 cases , hemoptysis was reported , and in 1ゴ cases , inflammatory findings were observed bronchoscopically , lt i $ possiblethat hemoP ・ tysis is caused by this anomaly . 粐 , し
doi:10.18907/jjsre.7.2_228 fatcat:golijlf7bzbujca346hrp6iyvi