Molecular Detection of Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Among Sudanese Patients with Esophageal Cancer

Hussain Gadelkarim Ahmed
2016 Journal of Cancer Prevention & Current Research  
Esophageal cancer remains public health concern for many countries. The objective of the current study was to identify (if any) Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) in tissue specimens obtained from Sudanese patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Methodology: In the current study, we retrieved 102 formalin fixed paraffin wax processed tissue's blocks obtained from patients with esophageal carcinomas. All tissue samples were retrieved from histopathology laboratories in Khartoum City, Sudan and
more » ... tly investigated by PCR method for the presence of EBV. All specimens were previously diagnosed with esophageal carcinoma. Results: Out the 102 patients, 6 (5.88%) were found to be positive for EBV by PCR, while 96 (94.12%) were found to be negative. Of the 56 males 5/56 (8.9%) were found to be positive for EBV and 51/55(91.1%) were found to be negative. Of the 46 females, 1/46 (2.2%) were found to be positive for EBV and 45/46(97.8%) were found to be negative. The risk associated with male sex was and OR (CI) = 4.5(0.51-39.99), P = 0.18. Conclusion: EBV might play some roles in the etiology of esophageal carcinoma in Sudan. Sustainable preventive strategies are required to reduce the epidemiology of esophageal cancer in Sudan.
doi:10.15406/jcpcr.2017.07.00219 fatcat:xdsl7ovbazbrpmf7z4odmn7bla