Error Introduced by a Popular Method of Processing Parallel-Disk Viscometry Data

Y. Leong Yeow, Yee-Kwong Leong, Ash Khan
2007 Applied Rheology  
The assumptions implicit in the simplified expressions used to convert the torque-rotational speed data of parallel-disk viscometry into rim shear rate and rim shear stress are identified. The rim shear stress generated by the simplified expression is compared against the actual rim shear stress. The error involved is quantified for two standard rheological models and for a set of laboratory data. Under normal operation conditions of parallel-disk viscometers this error was found to be within
more » ... e acceptable limit. However, for highly shear thinning fluids and for fluids exhibiting yield stress this error can become very large. The suitability of the approximate rim shear stress in wall slip determination is then briefly discussed.
doi:10.1515/arh-2007-0022 fatcat:guqdap7gzvaufanqequ3wubbsi