A Survey of Medicinal Plants Used by Folk Medicinal Practitioners in Daulatpur Upazila of Kushtia District, Bangladesh

A.H.M. Mahbubur Rahman, Nishat Anjum Asha
2021 Research in Plant Sciences  
The present paper focused on medicinal plants used by traditional practitioners in Daulatpur Upazila of Kushtia district, Bangladesh from October 2018 to September 2019. The information about medicinal plants uses of traditional practitioners was collected through interview. A total of 45 medicinal plant species under 43 genera and 33 families have been documented which are used for the treatment of 48 categories diseases. These medicinal plants are used by the traditional practitioners for the
more » ... treatment of various diseases like asthma, anemia, burning sensation, blood pressure, constipation, cough, diarrhea, diabetes, dysentery, eczema, fever, headache, heart disease, jaundice, leprosy, toothache, ulcer, skin disease, snake-bite, wound, and others. All these plants need to be evaluated through phyto and pharmaco-chemical investigations to discover their potentiality and may help in discovering effective drugs for human health care.
doi:10.12691/plant-9-1-1 fatcat:s4ck2rv5t5b4tbcp27gfwczt4y